Race Expo


Brainsport/New Balance: https://brainsport.ca/BYXE Street Team
SRRA/Park Run: https://saskatoonroadrunners.ca/Thrive Juice Co. Ltd: https://thrivejuiceco.com
Meewasin: https://meewasin.comDistrict Brewing Company: https://districtbrewing.ca/blogs/saskatoon
Healthy Future Sask: https://healthyfuturesask.caOuttabounds: https://www.outtabounds.ca
Saskatoon Fire and Flood: https://www.fireandflood.ca/Popeye’s Supplements: https://www.popeyessaskatoon.ca
Biktrix Electric Bikes: https://www.biktrix.caGoodLife Fitness: https://www.goodlifefitness.com
Craven SPORT Services: https://cravensportservices.caPrairie Run Crew: https://www.prairieruncrew.com
Saskatchewan Athletics: https://saskathletics.ca/Huskie Athletics: https://huskies.usask.ca/splash.aspx?id=splash_52
MORE: https://moremct.com/ 

Race Expo Exhibitor Information

Interesting in exhibiting / vending at the SaskMarathon Race Expo?

The Saskatchewan Marathon is around the corner! Happening on May 26, 2024, at Diefenbaker Park in Saskatoon, the 2024 Saskatchewan Marathon will attract close to 4,500 participants from across Canada and beyond.

All participants in the live event must attend the Race Expo at Prairieland Park to collect their Race Kits on Saturday, May 25. We are inviting you to connect with this audience by becoming a vendor and exhibitor.

This is an opportunity to connect with fitness enthusiasts and be recognized among Saskatchewan and Canadian runners. It is a great time to attract new customers and turn them into supporters and promoters of your brand.

Exhibitor Prices:

  • For profit organizations                                 $350.00+GST
  • Non-profit organizations                               $175.00+GST

Race Expo Contact

Questions? Contact Thao, Race Expo Coordinator at tpham@onpurpose.ca for more details.