2025 SaskMarathon Registration will be opened on November 29, 2024!
Below are maps from 2024 SaskMarathon (For reference only) to see the racecourse maps, water stations, washrooms, and other details about the race.
Brainsport 42.2K (Certification no. SK-2024-018-PTBA)
Eb’s Source for Adventure 21.1K
GoodLife Fitness 10K (Certification no. SK-2024-017-PTBA)
Craven SPORT services 5K (Certification no. SK-2024-016-PTBA)
Disclaimer: These routes are preliminary, and we reserve the right to make changes to the course.

Race Time Schedule
Race event
7:00 AM
Brainsport 42.2K
Eb’s Source for Adventure 21.1K
Eb’s Source for Adventure 21.1K
7:30 AM
GoodLife Fitness 10K
7:45 AM
Craven SPORT services 5K
10:30 AM
Family Focus Eyecare 2.2K
11:00 AM
Race Etiquette
- Runners are on the left side
- Joggers and walkers are on the right side
- Strollers are NOT allowed
- Walking poles are allowed
- If you enter the walking event, you MUST walk the enter time – you cannot run for any portion of the race. If you think you’ll be running at all, you must enter the running event. The walking and running course are the same, so all walkers will start at the back of the pack.
- Line up according to how fast you plan to run or walk. Slower runners and walkers should move to the back of the group.
- Pay attention to the pre-race instructions. What you hear will not only help guide you through the course but will also keep you safe. Examples are: stay on the right side of the road, or stay inside the traffic cones, or watch the course marshals (they control traffic to make your race a safe experience) for which way to go at major intersections.
- Pin your race number on the front of your shirt. This is where it is most visible for race officials.
- If you drop something just as the race starts, don’t stop and pick it up. You’ll endanger yourself and others. Trust that a race official will get it, or move to the side and wait until everyone has crossed the starting line and then retrieve it.
- Run or walk no more than two abreast. Other runners will want to get by you. If you are walking in a group, stay in the back of the pack.
- If you are stopping at an aid station, move all the way over to the table, grab water, and move away from the table so others may get water too. If you want to stop and drink, move to the side of the road, out of the way of other runners. If there’s a trash receptacle, please use it. If not, don’t go too far with your cup. The race volunteers will be collecting the cups and will appreciate not having to go on an extended “litter patrol.”
- Move to the side if someone behind you says, “Excuse me” or “Coming through.” Yes, you are about to be passed and the person behind you is giving you a heads up. It’s proper race etiquette to let that person through.
- If you need to tie your shoe, or stop for any reason, please move to the side of the road. People coming up behind you are still moving and if you stop in front of them, the scene is set for a collision.
- Feel free to shout words of encouragement to other runners. The other runners will appreciate your cheers. Miss Road Manners is confident you will hear encouraging words in return.
- Pay attention to what is going on around you during the race. Think loose dogs, lost kids, low branches, and looming potholes.
- Follow the instructions of the race officials at the finish. You may be told to stay to the right or to the left.
- Most races don’t allow your nonregistered friends and relatives to run with you in a race. If, even though Miss Road Manners frowns on it, a friend is running the last few miles with you, and hasn’t officially entered the race, tell your friend NOT to cross the finish line. He/she should move off the race course before the finish.
- Once you have crossed the finish line, don’t stop. Keep moving to the end of the chute. Enjoy the post-race refreshments, but remember others want to enjoy the goodies too. Moderation is the key so there will be food for the last people finishing the race. Be fair to the runners who have been patiently waiting in line.
The following items are not allowed on the course under any circumstances.
- Bicycles
- Rollerblades
- Jogging Strollers
- Pets
Participants being paced by personal bicycles will be disqualified. We recommend that participants NOT use audio devices during the race. You can become a hazard to yourself and others around you.